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Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Just One Day

"Lakukan apapun yang kamu inginkan, seakan esok kamu nggak akan pernah lagi melihat cahaya mentari."

Masih ingatkah kamu dengan kalimat ini? Kalimat yang diucapkan sahabatmu sehari sebelum dia menghembuskan napas terakhirnya di hadapanmu, dalam pelukanmu. Masih ingatkah?

Kamu berniat melakukan sesuai dengan kalimat sahabatmu. Hari ini, kamu memutuskan untuk melawan rasa takutmu. Melakukan apapun yang belum pernah kamu lakukan, tapi kamu menginginkannya. Hari ini, kamu harus melakukannya.

Kau takut dengan kegelapan. Kau tahu itu. Kau selalu memikirkan sesuatu yang jahat berkeliaran dalam gelap. Sesuatu yang mengincarmu dan menginginkan kematianmu. Malam ini, kau akan melawannya.

Kau menunggu orang tuamu terlelap. Setelah hanya kamu yang terjaga, kau segera mematikan seluruh lampu di dalam rumahmu. Dimulai dari kamar orang tuamu, ruang tamu, ruang tengah, dapur, ruang makan, hingga semuanya gelap gulita.

Kau kembali ke kamarmu dengan pintu terbuka. Menghadap ruangan gelap yang telah kamu ciptakan. Hanya kamarmu yang terang benderang. Dengan ragu-ragu, kamu mendekati sakelar lampu.


Gelap! Kini hanya ada hitam di matamu. Kamu meringkuk di ujung ranjang, memeluk gulingmu dengan erat, bersembunyi di dalam selimut. Badanmu gemetar menahan rasa takut.

Sreek... Sreek...

Terdengar suara langkah kaki mendekati kamarmu. Kamu mengintipnya dari balik selimut. Tanganmu memegang gunting yang telah kamu siapkan sebelumnya. Kamu bersiap melawan apapun yang bersembunyi dalam kegelapan.


Seberkas cahaya berkelebat cepat di depan matamu. Kamu berusaha melawan rasa takutmu. Berlari mengejar cahaya itu. Berlari dan terus berlari hingga kau mendapatkannya, kau menangkap sesuatu itu.

Crash... Slebb...

Gunting itu kamu tusukkan ke tubuh sosok itu. Dia ambruk tanpa suara. Seketika lampu menyala. Kau mendapati ibumu terbaring tidak bernyawa. Bersimbah darah. Ayahmu segera memeluknya tanpa menghiraukanmu.

Dan kini kamu tersadar, kamulah yang bersembunyi dalam kegelapan.

Senin, 15 April 2013

Badai Pasti Berlalu

Badai Pasti Berlalu
                “Bis, thanks yah dah care sama gue. Loe emang cowok paling pengertian yang pernah gue kenal.” Ucap Wian saat Bisma member surprise candlelight dinner dihari ultah Wian yang ke-17 tahun.
                “ Apa sih yang nggak buat kamu? Kalau bukan gue yang care sama loe, terus siapa lagi saying?” Kata Bisma sambil memainkan sendok di piringnya.
                Malam itu, Wian dan Bisma menghabiskan waktu bersama. Pasangan kekasih yang sedang dimabuk asmara itu memadu kasih diantara bunga-bunga di taman. Bisma memang cowok romantic yang bias membuat Wian merasa nyaman di sampingnya. “ Semoga  kita selalu bersama ya Bis,  gue saying sama loe. Tulus dari dalam hati gue.” Doa Wian dalam hatinya.
                Tiba-tiba, HP Bisma bunyi. Ada orang yang menelepon. Cepat –cepat Bisma mengambil HP dan agak menjauh dari Wian.
                “Bentar yah say, mama telfon.” Samar-samar Wian bias mendengar apa yang dikatakan Bisma di telepon.
                “Iya hallo, ohh udah mau pulang ya? Apa? Minta jemput? Dimana? Iya dech, tapi entar agak lama ya, mungkin 15 menit baru sampai. Ok, bye.” Klik,…. HP Bisma langsung dimasukin ke kantong.
                “ Say, mama minta jemput. Gue anterin loe pulang dulu yah?”
                “ Gue ikut loe jemput mama aja, boleh nggak?”
                “ Sorry say, kayaknya nggak bias dech. Emosi mama lagi labil.”
                “ Oh, ya udah dech kalau gitu.”
                Bisma pun mengantar wian sampai ke rumah. Di dalam mobil, Bisma tak henti-hentinya cerita tentang dirinya dan keluarganya. Dan seperti biasa,  Wian jadi pendengar setianya. Sesekali menanggapi pertanyaan Bisma yang kadang agak aneh dan tidak logis untuk dijawab.
                “Eeiiittttssssssss,,………. Bis,. Stop!! Udah samapai.!!”
                Bismapun mendadak mengerem dan hamper saja Wian terlempar ke depan. “Sorry, gue lupa. Loe nggak apa-apa kan?”
                “ Iya gue nggak apa-apa. Lain kali hati-hati yah. Bye!”
                “Ok dech, bye.” Bisma pun melajukan mobilnya untuk menjemput sang mama.
                Malam itu Wian tak bias tidur. Entah kenapa perasaannya benar-benar tak enak. Diapun keluar ke balkon dan seperti biasa, menatap bintang untuk menenangkan hatinya. Tapi sekarang hamper satu jam , hatinya tetap saja gelisah. Lalu Wian memutukan untuk kr coffeeShop langganannya.
                “Mas, seperti biasa yah, di meja yang itu.” Kata Wian sambil menunjuk meja yang paling dekat dengan jendela. Tempat favorit Wian menghilangkan gelisah di hatinya. Benar saja. Baru sebentar Wian sudah hamper melupakan kegelisahannya. Matanya menyapu seluruh sudut coffeeshop ini.
                Malam ini tidak terlalu ramai pengunjung. Hanya lima meja yang diisi pengunjung. Semuanya pasangan laki-laki dan perempuan. Mungkin mereka pasangan kekasih, seperti dia dan Bisma. “Ah Bis, gue kangen sama loe. Andai aja loe disini, pasti gue nggak bakal kesepian gini.” Ratap Wian dalam hati.
                Pandangan Wian berhenti di meja nomor 4 di samping mejanya. Dia melihat Samantha Smith, teman sekelasnya., sedang menikmati cappuccino  bersama seorang cowok. Dia tidak menyadari keberadaan wian. Wian terus mengamati mereka. Dia ingin tahu siapa cowok itu. Dari gayanya sih sepertinya wian kenal. Tapi siapa”
                Karena tak tahan dengan rasa penasarannya, Wian pun menghampiri Samantha. “Hai Samantha!” teriak Wian sebelum sampai di meja mereka.
                “ Eh Wian, kebetulan loe disini. Gue mau kenalin pacar baru gue. Sini dech.” Ajak Samantha dengan nada centilnya. “ Ima kenalin, ini Wian, temen sekelas gue. Wian, dia Bisma, pacar baru gue.”
                “elo?” Wian dan Bisma hamper bersamaan.
                “ Jadi dia mama loe? Masih muda juga yah!” Wian berkata sambil menahan amarahnya.
                “ gue…. Gue bisa jelasin!”
                “jadi kalian berdua udah saling kenal ya?” ucap Samantha.
                “ gue bukan Cuma kenal dia sam.” Wian masih berusaha menahan air matanya. “Bis, kalau loe udah bosen dan nggak suka lagi sama gue, loe tinggal bilang aja sama gue. Nggak gini caranya! Selamat yah, loe udah berhasil hancurin hati gue!”
                “Wian, sorry, gue nggak tega sama loe.sekarang hati gue udah pindah buat Samantha., gue minta maaf. Gue nggak berani jujur sama loe. Sekarang gue cinta sama Samantha. Loe itu gadis yang baik wian. Gue yakin loe bisa dapetin yang lebih baik dari gue.”
                ‘ok, sekarang kita putus. Selamat ntuk kalian berdua! Gue emang bisa dapetin yang jauh lebih baik dari elo bis, tapi gue ragu apa ge bisa sayang sama dia seperti sayang gue buat loe!”
                Wianpun segera keluar dari coffeeshop sebelum air mata meleleh ke pipinya.  Dia berlari pulang dan langsung mengunci pintu kamar. Wian menangis sejadi jadinya. Dia sudah terlanjur sayang sama Bisma, tapi ternyata Bisma lebih pilih Samantha daripada dirinya.
                Selama hampir satu minggu , Wian masih menyimpan rasa sakit hati itu. Pagi ini, Wian iseng-iseng berkunjung ke perpustakaan sekolah. Dia tertarik dengan buku yang berjudul “Putus Satu Tumbuh Seribu”. Dia meminjamnya dan membacanya di rumah.
                Dalam buku itu dijelaskan, bahwa cinta tak harus memiliki. Cinta butuh pengorbanan. Meskipun harus melepaskan orang yang kita cintai,kita harus rela. Karena mungkin dia akan bahagia tanpa kita. Buku ini benar-benar bermanfaat untuk Wian. Apalagi saat Wian patah hati seperti sekarang. Buku ini menumbuhkan semangat baru bagi Wian.
                Sore itu, Wian jalan-jalan di taman seorang diri, karena dia berjalan sambil melamun, sampai akhirnya . . . . . . . . .  Dukkk!!
                “aawwww!!” Teriak Wian.
                “Sorry, gue nggak sengaja.” Diapun membantu Wian untuk berdiri. “ Wian, sorry.”
                 “Bisma? Iya nggak apa-apa kok.Eh, hai Samantha. Lagi jalan-jalan sama bisma ya?”
                “Iya, gue lagi jalan-jalan sama bisma.” Samantha terlihat gugup saat bertatapan dengan Wian. Wian dapat membaca matanya.
                Samantha, loe jangan merasa bersalah gitu lahh. Gue udah ikhlasin bisma sama loe kok. Ya kan Bis.?”
                “Eh, iya…. Loe serius Wian?” ucap Bisma gelagapan gak percaya.
                “Dua rius malah. Hahaha….. ya udah gue duluan ya Bis, sam. Gue mau pulang. Semoga kalian bahagia.”
                “ Thanks Wian!” Ucap mereka bersamaan.
Hati Wian sudah lega setelah pertemuan mereka. Dia sudah bisa melupakan sakit hatinya dan merelakan Bisma meraih kebahagiaannya. Meskipun tanpa Wian. Malamnya, Wianpun bisa tidur nyenyak dan bermimpi yang indah. Setiap masalah tak akan selesai jika dihadapi dengan perasaan. Setiap masalah pasti ada jalan keluar. Badai pasti juga akan berlalu. Wian telah siap menjemput kebahagiaannya, dan menyambut hari esok yang cerah bersama sang surya.

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

supernatural season 3

Season 3, Episode 1: The Magnificent Seven
Original Air Date: 4 October 2007
Sam, Dean, and Bobby deal with the ramifications of the Gate to Hell opening, meeting the demon incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins, while Dean is living life to the fullest in the shadow of a deal he made with the Crossroads Demon, and a mysterious blonde woman with a demon-killing knife assists Sam.

Season 3, Episode 2: The Kids Are Alright
Original Air Date: 11 October 2007
A strange death reported in the newspaper prompts Dean and Sam to find Lisa Braeden, a woman Dean had a weekend fling with about 8.75 years ago, only to find she has a son turning 8. While investigating the death in the paper along with several other mysterious recent deaths, Sam and Dean find they are chasing a Changeling, who is replacing children with it's offspring. The mysterious blond woman is back, giving Sam a cryptic message that he should look into his mother's friends.

Season 3, Episode 3: Bad Day at Black Rock
Original Air Date: 18 October 2007
The Winchesters are called regarding a robbery of their father's storage unit, and track down the robbers to find the item stolen is a cursed rabbit's foot, which provides great luck until lost, and once lost the previous owner dies within a week. Sam picks up the foot and has great fortune, until it is pickpocketted away by the mercenary Bela. Dean must then get it back before Sam's bad luck gets him killed. To complicate the whole situation, Gordon, from his prison home, has convinced two other hunters that Sam is pure evil and must be killed.

Season 3, Episode 4: Sin City
Original Air Date: 25 October 2007
The Winchester boys head to Ohio to research several deaths in a small town, where sin has taken a firm foothold on the population; prostitution, adultery, alcohol abuse, murder, and suicide are all prevalent in the once quiet town. Dean has a revealing conversation with a demon possessed woman. The demon Ruby assists Bobby in restoring the Colt to it's demon-killing grandeur.

Season 3, Episode 5: Bedtime Stories
Original Air Date: 1 November 2007
The 'Three Little Pigs' and 'Hansel and Gretel' come to life and attract Sam and Dean's attention to Maple Springs, NY, where they try to prevent 'Little Red Riding Hood', 'Cinderella', and 'Snow White' from having unhappy endings. Sam also confronts the Crossroad Demon with the newly refurbished Colt.

Season 3, Episode 6: Red Sky at Morning
Original Air Date: 8 November 2007
Strange land-locked drownings are happening and the boys head to the coast to find out why, discovering a Ghost Ship has been witnessed by each of the victims shortly before their deaths. They find that Bela is already involved, running a scam on elderly Gertrude Case, the aunt of the first victim with a crush on Sam.

Season 3, Episode 7: Fresh Blood
Original Air Date: 15 November 2007
Gordon Walker is out of prison and out for blood, Sam's blood, and pays Bela to reveal their location. Meanwhile, the Winchesters are hot on the trail of a vampire named Dixon, who in turn has a beef with Gordon.

Season 3, Episode 8: A Very Supernatural Christmas
Original Air Date: 13 December 2007
Sam and Dean follow the trail of an Anti-Clause when victims are apparently pulled up the chimney never to be seen again. After a lead goes nowhere, the Winchesters learn the Anti-Clause in in fact a pair of old pagan gods who have assimilated into society and since found a new way of getting their yearly sacrifices. A flashback to Christmas Eve 1991 reveals how Sam found out for the first time what his father really did and where Dean got his gold amulet.

Season 3, Episode 9: Malleus Maleficarum
Original Air Date: 31 January 2008
The seemingly harmless practices of a group of neighborhood witches goes bad when one of them kills a woman. Ruby offers her assistance... but she has a few secrets of her own.

Season 3, Episode 10: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Original Air Date: 7 February 2008
When Bobby Singer is discovered in a coma, Dean and Sam uncover a demon who works through people's dreams to destroy them.

Season 3, Episode 11: Mystery Spot
Original Air Date: 14 February 2008
Sam relives the same day over and over, continually having to deal with Dean's death.

Season 3, Episode 12: Jus in Bello
Original Air Date: 21 February 2008
Sam and Dean are arrested by Agent Henriksen and thrown into a jail cell in Colorado just as an army of demons makes their first move under a new leader who wants Sam dead.

Season 3, Episode 13: Ghostfacers
Original Air Date: 24 April 2008
Sam and Dean inexplicably encounter the Hell Hounds while investigating a case that John failed to crack years earlier and become fixtures in their pilot for a reality show called Ghostfacers.

Season 3, Episode 14: Long-Distance Call
Original Air Date: 1 May 2008
Sam and Dean are on the trail of the Crocotta, an entity that secures its victims by communicating as a loved one via phone and computer. While Sam watches over a family being tormented by the ghostly communiques, Dean walks into a trap when a voice from beyond the grave gives the whereabouts of the demon who holds his contract.

Season 3, Episode 15: Time Is on My Side
Original Air Date: 8 May 2008
The Winchesters encounter the mysterious and very much still alive Doc Benton when they look into a series of abductions where the victims report missing body parts after forced surgery. When Bobby manages to locate Bela, Dean heads off to confront her and get the Colt back. Meanwhile Sam stays behind hoping that Doc Benton can make Dean immortal to get him out of the Deal.

Season 3, Episode 16: No Rest for the Wicked
Original Air Date: 15 May 2008
Dean's time is up and he has to pay the Devil his due. When Lilith resurfaces in New Harmony, Indiana terrorizing a family to no end Sam, Dean, and Bobby steal Ruby's knife and confront the mother of all demons in a battle to the death.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

kata hatiku untuk mama

apa sih arti mama buat kalian.?? apa yang kalian rasakan saat di dekat mama.?? senangkah.?? gembira.?? kalian merasa nyaman di dekat mama.??

tapi saya tidak merasakan hal itu.,, saya selalu bertengkar sama mama.,, entah itu salah saya or salah mama.,, saya merasa mama udah gak adil.,, dia lebih sayang sama kakak and adik-adik saya.,,

ma.,, apa salah saya sampai mama tega berbuat seperti in sama saya.?? wian sayang sama mama.,, tapi kenapa wian gak bisa rasakan cinta mama.??

ma.,, wian mohon.,, sayangi wian seperti mama menyayangi kakak.,, wian capek bertengkar terus sama mama.,, wian ingin dekat dengan mama.,,

ma.,, bentar lagi wian ujian akhir.,, doakan wian lulis ya ma.,, wian akan berjuang untuk bahagiakan mama.,, wian akan buktikan sama mama kalau wian juga bisa sukses.,,

wian janji ma.,, wian nggak akan pulang sebelum wian bisa sukses.,,  wian ingin mama bahagia.,, meskipun mama nggak pernah sayang sama wian.,,

it's for you mom.,, i love you 

your lovely daughter

wian winchester

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

supernatural season 1

1 "Pilot"

When they were young, Sam (Padalecki) and Dean Winchester's (Ackles) mother Mary (Samantha Smith) died a violent and unexplainable death, which in turn led their father, John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), to teach them skills which they might need in the search for whatever it was that took her life. Years later, while attending Stanford University, Sam is forced back into the paranormal world by his older brother, who has come to tell him that their father has mysteriously disappeared. The two travel to Jericho, California, to find him, but their search is put on hold when they discover that a ghostly Woman in White (Sarah Shahi)—the spirit of a woman who drowned her children and then killed herself—has been taking male victims. They investigate, but Dean is soon arrested for impersonating a federal agent. However, he manages to escape custody, and saves his brother from the vengeful spirit. The Woman in White is finally put to rest after the brothers force her to confront the spirits of her children. Sam later returns home, and discovers his girlfriend Jessica (Adrianne Palicki) pinned to the ceiling. He is then forced to watch as she is killed in the same supernatural manner as his mother. Jessica's death prompts him to return to the life of hunting with Dean.

2 "Wendigo"

After having no luck in the investigation of Jessica's death, the brothers follow instructions found in their father's journal and head to Blackwater Ridge, Lost Creek, Colorado. Posing as park rangers, they help a young woman named Haley (Gina Holden) and her younger brother Ben (Alden Ehrenreich) search for their lost older brother Tommy (Graham Wardle), who disappeared while on a camping trip. Sam and Dean soon realize that he was taken by a wendigo that has terrorized the woods since 1936. While searching, Haley and Dean are kidnapped by the creature, but Sam and Ben are able to track them to a mine. After Dean, Haley, and Tommy are freed, they kill the wendigo with a flare gun.

3 "Dead in the Water"

Taking a break from the search for their father, Sam and Dean head to Lake Manitoc in Wisconsin for a possible case. Three drownings have occurred there within a year, with the dead bodies mysteriously disappearing in the lake. The brothers soon come to believe that the spirit of a young boy haunts the lake, and learn that the local sheriff (Daniel Hugh Kelly) and the father of the latest victim accidentally caused his death when they were children. Out for revenge, the spirit targets the sheriff's daughter Andrea (Amy Acker) and mute grandson Lucas (Nico McEown). It eventually pulls Lucas into the lake, so the sheriff gives himself over to the spirit, saving his grandson.

4 "Phantom Traveler"

The brothers are asked by a man whom Dean and his father had previously rescued to investigate the mysterious crash of a commercial airplane that left only seven survivors, with signs pointing to a demonically-possessed passenger causing the accident. When they realize that the demon is now eliminating the survivors one by one, Dean is forced to face his fear of flying by following its next target (Jaime Ray Newman) aboard an airliner. He and Sam manage to get the demon into a restroom on-board, but it flees its host during the exorcism. Despite this, they continue the ritual, sending the demon back to Hell.

5 "Bloody Mary"

When a man is killed—his eyeballs having exploded—after his daughter chants "Bloody Mary" three times in front of a mirror, Sam and Dean head to Toledo, Ohio, to investigate. They learn that Bloody Mary (Jovanna Huguet) is the ghost of a young woman who was murdered after her eyes were cut out, and her spirit trapped within the mirror that she died in front of. With the mirror now for sale in an antique store in the town, Bloody Mary has begun to target those nearby who secretly feel guilt over another's death. The brothers must find a way to stop her after a young girl (Marnette Patterson) inadvertently becomes her next target. They track down the original mirror and then smash it, but this only releases Bloody Mary. However, Dean forces her to see her own reflection, and her guilt over her own secrets causes her to vanish.

6 "Skin"

After Zach (Aleks Holtz), a college friend of Sam's, is arrested for murdering his girlfriend, the brothers head to St. Louis, Missouri, to investigate. Zach's sister Becky (Amy Grabow) claims that he was with her at the time of the murder, although security footage places him at the scene of the crime. After a similar murder occurs, they realize that the real culprit is a being with shapeshifting abilities. The shapeshifter then captures the two, and plans to use Dean's form to kill Becky. The brothers escape and alert the police. Becky is saved, but the police believe Dean to be her attacker. As Dean later searches through the shapeshifter's lair, Sam visits Becky to make sure that she knows what they are dealing with. However, she reveals herself to be the shapeshifter and knocks Sam unconscious before morphing back into Dean. After the real Dean finds the real Becky tied up in the lair, he confronts the shapeshifter and shoots it dead—still in his form.

miss dean so much.!!!
it's winchesters brothers